Bolex woman in a Santa costume

Merry Christmas, from Bolex Collector

December 18, 2006 -- Michael Tisdale
Greetings! Bolex Collector is taking the rest of the year off, so this will be the last site update until the beginning of the new year.

With the holidays and other obligations, I've been a little busy for the last two months and have not had a chance to update the site as often as I would like. To those who have written recently with questions, I apologize for not responding; I'll catch up on my email in January.

New Additions!

Beginning in 2007, I plan to add several more articles to the site, as well as update other pages with more information and images. I have many articles planned, additional brochures to scan, new images and more. Enough to keep me busy for a while! So, visit often and look for those soon. I hope you'll enjoy the new additions.

...and Thanks for '06

I'd like to thank everyone who has contacted me since this site began. I've enjoyed reading emails from other collectors and filmmakers around the world. It's great to hear from others who are as obsessive about Bolex as I am. Your comments have been very encouraging.

Last, but not least, I'd like to thank Mr. Ernst Wildi (Hasselblad photography guru, instructor and author; former Technical Director at Paillard Products in New York; and author of many articles in the Bolex Reporter magazine, among others) for his kind help in answering many of my questions while putting this site together. And of course, thanks to my wife for her patience and support over the many hours I devote to this website -- and for putting up with my growing collection of Bolex stuff that competes for space with her own collections!

Happy Holidays,
Michael Tisdale

Bolex Christms Greetings